Tuesday, April 6, 2010


They finally arrived....actually right on time and with all of their luggage!! Amazing!! Small miracle.
It was so good to see them!
We had to stop at Sello and pick up a few things on the way home. With LOMA yesterday and Friday, we had no chance to get some of the basic food things.....like milk and salmon steaks!
And in the middle of dinner I found out I had gotten a POSTI PACKAGE today. A personally signed book from Annette Luthy Lyons (the Luthy's daughter.....she is a wonderful writer). This was totally unexpected!! I love it....kiitos paljon Annette!!
I worked really hard in trying to open that delicious desert! It was worth the work.
And to top it off....Wayne had the Asuntola duty tonight. So after dinner we all took our ipads downstairs and had a one-on-one tutoral with Kevin while Wayne took care of the 'desk'! And they got to meet some of the temple missionaries and patrons!
It did NOT SNOW or even RAIN once they arrived. We are off to a great start!! So good to have them here.

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