Thursday, August 5, 2010


We are on the afternoon shift this week, which means we don't go in to the temple until about 1:00 p.m. each day. That gives us a few hours in the morning to 'catch up' and get a few things done.

Tuesday was a pretty day outside.......I had bookmarks to get made (5 in total for this weekend as gifts). Wayne decided he wanted to go out and walk on some of the walking, biking, skiing, running trails behind the Asuntola. And OFF he went.
He had a little 'delay' from the normal path because of some CONSTRUCTION.......what (MITA)? On a walking, biking, running, skiing trail you have construction!! APPARENTLY! A new bridge......
After a bit of a diversion he was 'back on the normal' trail......
Then, Tuesday evening as we came home from the temple we noticed this STRETCH LIMO in the parking lot. Brat Igor BALASOV from Avtovo, Russia is a 'driver' of busses. We think he may have driven that over here because he was here in the temple and spent the night in the asuntola Tuesday night. Just not your normal vehicle to see here. BUSSES yes......stretch limo's ......NO (AI).....

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