Monday, March 1, 2010

H U M P D A Y!!

What is that you might ask! Well, when Wayne was a young missionary here in Finland 45 years ago, half way through his mission was called HUMP DAY because he was on the 'downhill' side of serving. To commemorate the day way back then, the missionary would cut his tie off about half way up!

Well, it was good enough 45 years ago for him and it is good enough for US now. And today was our HUMP DAY.......we can hardly believe we have been on our mission for 9 months already. has gone by so incredibly fast. So many wonderful things have happened. And we know we have yet to have many more wonderful things happen.

We count our blessings each and every day that we are here. Thankful for the opportunity that we have to be here and serve every day in the Helsinki Finland Temple. To see how the lives of so many people are changed (for the better) because of the wonderful eternal blessings they come here to receive. And to have any kind of a small part in any of that, we are most grateful and humbled by it. We know we are only instruments in the hands of the Lord. Nothing more.

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