Saturday, July 10, 2010


You may recall (OR just look at!!) yesterday's post about sweet little gals from Russia.....and my having made them a cross stitch temple.....OR just look at the picture below! Take your pick.

This sweet gal......NATALIA MURAMSTEVA from Barnaul Russia......came this week to receive her own endowment. She just loved being in the temple. She was always just beaming....such an infectious smile she had!!
Through an interpreter she told me she would have a gift for me tomorrow (Saturday). I told her she did NOT have to do that....but she kept insisting!! Bless her little heart! Or rather....BIG heart! Well, she met us as we were walking up to the temple this morning and she indeed have a wonderful, handmade gift for me! A LARGE CROCHETED HEART!!! It is just gorgeous and I will treasure it for the rest of my life!!

One of the neat things about it is that she actually made it LAST NIGHT after the group held their Testimony Meeting (which they always do the night before they go home). She stayed up quite late making it.....and even ended up having to go in the bathroom and sitting because her 'roommates' were going to bed!! Can you believe that. I will truly miss her!! She will be going to Kiev Temple beginning next month!
This afternoon we had a few errands to do and so we headed over to SELLO with the Michie's and Groberg's........Wayne loves to take 'action shots' and that is exactly what he did when he 'found' Kent checking out at City Market.
We may be a YEAR LATE in getting our little 'grandma cart' but we finally got one!!! And I LOVE looks more like a beach cart with the pretty PINK FLOWERS!!!
It has truly been a wonderful week with NOVOSIBIRSK here. We will look for the wonderful saints from ROSTOV next week.....their LAST time too!! We definitely do NOT like these LASTS!!!

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