We decided to WALK to church (to the Tallinn Branch) today. The ESTI BRANCH met in the afternoon, with the Russian Branch meeting in the morning.
We walked through the 'old wooden building' section of Tallinn. Wayne was especially anxious to do that.....they just looked really neat and he wanted to see them 'up close and personal'.
After church was over we got a little 'family shot' of the 6 of us in front of the church.
Elinn was asked to bear her testimony in Sacrament Meeting as a returning missionary. She did great speaking had been 15 years since she had been back! And she had so much fun meeting friends she had known before.
Markit and Alexander Timokov and their 2 daughters were Steven and Elinn's HOST FAMILY! They were just wonderful.
And the LEPP's also remembered Elinn from 15 years ago. They invited them over for dinner after church. Elinn was in 7th heaven!!! We know that feeling......Wayne has had some of the same experiences over on this side of the Bay of Finland!!
Back at the HOTEL, we had checked out before we went to church but were able to leave our luggage in a 'holding room' until time for us to get back to the dock. We were catching up on
e-mail on the WI-FI before we left. And Wayne had to make a phone call to a missionary here in Finland....a little medical issue.
And the rest of us caught up while Wayne was doing 'his thing'!
We are now back in ESPOO at our home sweet apartment home!! Ready for our little 'day-trip' tomorrow to either PORVOO or HANKO....we will see what the morning brings!!
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