Monday, September 6, 2010

And DAY #2 of our weekend trip to STOCKHOLM.....

We slept well in our 'floating hotel' on the Bay of Finland over to Stockholm.

We arrived about 9:30 a.m. in Stockholm....with laptop in hand! It appeared as though we would have a beautiful day to see Stockholm before heading south to the temple.
Many say that Stockholm is the most beautiful city in all of Scandinavia. We certainly thought it was beautiful. And we had all day to explore.
This is 'claimed' to be the most NARROW STREET on record. It was pretty question about that. Wide enough for ONE person to walk through at a time comfortably. Passing another person could be a bit of a challenge.
We decided to have a little bit to eat in the Old City. It was actually pretty good......CHEESE SANDWICH. Kind of hard to mess that up, huh! Fresh bread and 'salad' toppings.
We caught one of the 'HOP ON - HOP OFF' busses. We got to see a lot of the city like that.....old and new. We got a quick ice cream at one of the stops. It was soooo good!!
After touring the city we caught a TRAIN out to where the temple is located. With only the directions of 'WHEN YOU GET OFF THE TRAIN YOU WILL SEE IT.....IT IS A SHORT WALK AWAY FROM THE TRAIN STATION' we were hopefully that we would actually find it!
Low and in the short distance and through the trees we could see the SPIRES sticking up! We knew we had 'FOUND THE PLACE'. WHOA......we knew we were in a FOREIGN COUNTRY because we didn't recognize much in the way of languages. It was SWEDISH or nothing! Finnish as a 2nd language around here like in Finland (where Swedish is the 2nd language!).
Wayne walked around the grounds after we got checked into our room......I was tired and wanted to see if I could get the computer set up. He took some gorgeous 'sunsetting shots' of the temple.
And more shots......
it is not quite what we had expected but beautiful nonetheless!!
And this is the GUEST HOUSE where we spent Monday night. We will attend a session on Tuesday morning, after delivering the important 'documents' to the temple presidency.

More to come.........!!!

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