Thursday, February 18, 2010


Two mile-stones accomplished today! The first one (pictured below and thanks for letting me use your picture Steven!)......the kids (or I should grandkids) back home in Maryland have gone back to school today.......FIRST time since the HUGE snowstorm hit almost 2 weeks ago!

It was definitely a doozie of a storm....leaving up to about 60 inches or so of snow over most of Frederick County. The snow is still around but they at least have some roads cleared out.
I started reading the Oppi ja Liitot (Doctrine and Covenants) on December 31, 2009. Today, I finished reading that (in Finnish)!! I am so excited!!
I will now start reading the KALLISARVOINEN HELMI......
By reading the scriptures in Finnish, it has helped me with my reading of the language. It has not been easy but has certainly been very rewarding for me!

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