As you may recall from several months ago, the permanent Temple Fence was finally started! Albeit very slowly. This has been 3 very long years in the making!! Local politics has had a lot to do with the delays, of course! President and Sister Luthy were so hoping to see part of it completed before they leave Finland the end of October. Their wish, at least in part, may be a reality for them!!
The other day we noticed more 'activity' out on the grounds. Wayne decided that he, along with several of the other brother missionaries, would go investigate!
Here Veli Goodliffe is getting up close and personal with a picture!
We LOVE the solid rock that the temple is built on! We think it will indeed stand for centuries to come!
And......part of the newest section to be put up! It will indeed look nice when completed. We just don't know when that will be. Even my hairdress, Tuula, said on Monday that she hoped the company is doing a good job with the footings. Like she said.....'with the winter weather here, freezing, thawing, and more freezing'. She wants to make sure the company is doing a good job! Bless her heart!